Come as you are, bring me your messy and real selves (and a sense of humour!), and trust there will be magic at the end.
This is not an editorial shoot for a high end lifestyle brand. You can be scruffy and mismatched, your kids can be wildly unpredictable, and we don’t need to frolic in a meadow if that isn’t your jam.
The idea of family photography is daunting for a lot of us. My aim here is to flood you with information and reassurance but you can also click away now. This is not a graded assessment - the photographs of your family are for you, and the people who love you.
I want you to feel comfortable enough to just be yourselves. Tell me anything you feel would be useful for me to know - sensory sensitives, whether a kid is innately serious or just temporarily shy, your insecurities, anything you or they love or loathe or any particular photos that are important to you.
(big and little!)
I don’t need or expect kids to behave perfectly and general ratbaggery is half the fun. Silly kids don’t ruin photos (grumpy grown ups can), and behaviour that may feel challenging in person often plays very differently in a still photo.
Your session is not a teaching or discipline moment. Wherever possible, treat the time as a place of fun, exploration and connection. Tell your family stories, talk about your holiday plans and the kids’ interests and lean into each other. The more you connect with each other, and the more you encourage the kids to connect with me - the better and more meaningful your photos will be.
Instead of “if you’re good we’ll get ice cream after!” frame it as “we get to meet Alli tonight for some special photos - where should we hang them? Would Nanna like some?” etc. They can come up with the silliest faces they can think of, you can share stories while you’re cuddling, and ask for kisses and nuzzles and tickles. A wee bit of well timed bribery is sometimes helpful too (make sure bribes are small and don’t melt/stain).
Bigger kids (and some grown ups, to be honest!) can often be very nervous/hostile - this isn’t unusual and the best strategy is usually to snowplough through with some humour. Cajoling/any statement that resembles “I just want to get some nice photos” from a parent or caregiver is usually a one way ticket to no deal.
Some kids/people are super smiley and engaging, some are serious and thoughtful - I always welcome your insight and input, and really just want to reflect who you all are. I’ll let you know if I need any back up with challenging behaviour but wherever possible I will redirect and engage and make them laugh.

Family photography is a mix of loosely posed portraits and more candid moments, with lots of opportunities to be led by your kids and your family, and lots of distractions and games from me if needed.
Typically each session begins with the mantle piece ‘looking at the camera’ shots in a very loose and relaxed way, which unravels into the chaos and joy of your family pretty quickly! I'll gauge from you how much direction you want and need - no two sessions are ever quite the same.
I’n always working to create a lot of variety in groupings and composition, and ultimately create images that are useful and meaningful now and in the years and decades to come.
I will send you a little sneak within a few days of your session, and the full gallery within a month. This is a digital gallery that you can download print and web resolution images from and order beautiful printed products directly from Australia’s leading professional labs.
I totally get it. Some people are ok with website but not with social media, one or two, fine with anything de-identified or prefer nothing at all. Just tell me!
This is always a conversation I am happy to guide you through via email and/or phone. There is no right or wrong answer and it depends on your budget, the age of your kid(s) and your goals for the session.
Generally the longer sessions have a more laid back and relaxed feel, but equally - beautiful, candid moments emerge in mini sessions too!
It doesn't matter how you end that sentence, you are not alone.
I'm a big believer that family photos can be meaningful and joyful and raw and also flattering. Tell me what you're anxious about!! I'll be keeping a close eye on angles, light, how your clothes are falling.
But a gentle reminder is important here: the target market of these photos is people who already love you. Just as you are.
You can find more information on the Galleries and Resources page as well as links to sessions on cloudy/rainy/windy days.
I keep a close eye on the weather forecast and we'll make a judgement call together.
There are examples of different kinds of session locations and timing on Galleries and Resources. Again, there is no right or wrong answer here.
I'm always happy to suggest spots too if you're stuck.
The best time of day for light is the very start and very end of the day. Winter gives a bit more flexibility (as does a lot of cloud cover), and inside sessions are fine throughout the day depending on your home. While I do utilise a range of extra lighting if needed, family photos work best if I'm not having to faff around too much with this.
I cull your session down to a manageable selection and this is an important part of my job - you don't want all of them!! This is essentially removing duplicates, weird half open eye/sneezes, test shots etc.
I edit sessions in a mix of colour and b+w (you are welcome to share your preferences here prior to your session). I remove temporary cosmetic things (e.g. pimple, scratch, rash), background distractions (e.g. signs, bins). I'm looking for a timeless, uncluttered, slightly film like feel.